Hi Readers, today I'm interviewing Sharon Dunn who is the author five mysteries including book two in her Bargain Hunters mysteries, Death of a Six Foot Teddy Bear. By the way, Book One in this series is called Death of a Garage Sale Newbie. Sharon in lives in a house where she has discovered that it is easier to make pets out of the dust bunnies than try to get rid of them. You can read more about Sharon’s humorous who-dun-its at www.sharondunnbooks.com and check out the bargain hunting tips left by readers.
Q - Sharon, if you could pass along one bit of cleaning/organizational advice to someone just starting out with their first home, what would it be?
A - You are starting out with a clean slate, make it a rule that anytime you bring something into the house, you need to toss or donate something that takes up the same amount of space. This will help prevent clutter from taking over.
Q - Fill in the blank: I am to cleaning as a ____________ is to _______________.
A - I am to cleaning as a monkey is to getting a PHD in Physics.
Q - How does your housekeeping style compare to that of your parents when they were your age?
A - My mom spent her whole day cleaning and then fretting over how messy her house was. I refuse to do that. I have books to read, people to hug and when the sun is shining, I want to feel it on my face. None of that happens if you are cleaning the dust off of houseplants.
Thanks for your thoughts Sharon!
Readers, stay tuned for another author interview next time!
Q - Sharon, if you could pass along one bit of cleaning/organizational advice to someone just starting out with their first home, what would it be?
A - You are starting out with a clean slate, make it a rule that anytime you bring something into the house, you need to toss or donate something that takes up the same amount of space. This will help prevent clutter from taking over.
Q - Fill in the blank: I am to cleaning as a ____________ is to _______________.
A - I am to cleaning as a monkey is to getting a PHD in Physics.
Q - How does your housekeeping style compare to that of your parents when they were your age?
A - My mom spent her whole day cleaning and then fretting over how messy her house was. I refuse to do that. I have books to read, people to hug and when the sun is shining, I want to feel it on my face. None of that happens if you are cleaning the dust off of houseplants.
Thanks for your thoughts Sharon!
Readers, stay tuned for another author interview next time!
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